So stuffing my face with junk food and alcohol (I am not proud of what I did this weekend) isn't such a great idea when dealing with monthly bloody issues (see what i did there). Life is not fair. Period.
To put aside violating thoughts of apparent fat accumulation, I thought trying out a pair of new jeans would alleviate my sorrow. I have never been so wrong in my life.
Bloated out of proportions, I was literally amazed and disgusted of the amount of celullite on my thighs.
Worlds most awful lighthing didn't exactly help. Don't they have special people who fix this consumer issue thingies or what?! (contemplating writing a serious note everytime I go to Bershka).
F... this, f... that (a crazy womans viewpoint)
Quite frankly, I feel like I've fallen off track with almost everything. My nutrition, training, business. Most of these are just stupid thoughts, repeating monthly (at least not pregnant, hallelujah. Any silver lining would do at this point). I actually accomplished every business goal I've set out to do this year - finishing the Precision Nutrition lvl 1 certification as we speak, have fully booked my fitness client schedule and soon diving in certifications required for work in Australia, where I'm moving in August.I still feel I don't do enough.
And sometimes, I still hate my body from the bottom of my heart, like today.
I cannot even find an appropriate insult for my productive organs right now. (The screaming devil-spawn in the grocery store only amplifies my sincere unaprecciation towards any human being under 15 years old.) I hate children when they're not quiet, seated and peaceful. Basically most of the time then. Well, there's that.
The birthday is coming up ...
I needed to go on a little rant, because well, here I can. (It's my party and I'll cry if I want to). Better than getting it out on my loved ones, when least expected. So I annoy myself. To the point of mount crazy.
Mount crazy isn't really a place one would love to go when having your uterus pierced (which is one of the reasons of my cheerfulness today.) Hormones went officially crazy this time. A week before my 25th birthday. Coincidence? I'd hope so.
No wonder, women are crazy. I am aware of the fact. I hold my sh*t together, all the time (at least I'd love to think so). Feeling sorry for myself is scheduled at about the same time every month - check! Hopefully, it doesn't last more than a week and I can be my best again soon.
What to do about it ...
A) If you're a woman: you're screwed, don't even try. Emotional roller coaster. Cry. Eat junk food. Repeat. No, but seriously now. You can do a little better than me.
- Get protein. A palm of it in every meal (make it double when you're on the cycle!)
- Get fiber. VEGGIE LAND HALLELUJAH. (I do hope you have a top 3 go-to options)
- Get WATER. 2-4litres per day to say the least.
- Have a little self-compassion. Any tiny bit will do.
- Stuff your face with junk food and justify it with PMS.
- Don't try out new jeans bloated. Ever.
- Hate yourself even more. You're doing your best.
- Hug her.
- Give her your jacket.
- Hug her.
- Don't. Comment. Anything.
- Don't give her chocolate and junk food. She doesn't need it.
- Don't try to be rational. Most women aren't most of the time. Especially this time.